We are proud to say that Precision Test Series has got highest success rate as far as questions predicted for the exam. It is widely covered in many newspapers that around 100 out of 150 questions have come from our test series for Group 2 Prelims / Screening Test and 200 out of 450 have come for Group 2 Mains. This was possible only because our team of experts study the syllabus from the notification released by APPSC and also analyze all the previous question papers. We use trend analysis and other statistical tools such as analytics for predicting the questions. This is the reason why we could get almost 70% of questions covered in polity from our test series which helps the students to easily get much more than cutoff score.
In our test series, we follow exact pattern of APPSC Group 2 online exam in our mock tests. At any time during the exam, the student can know how many questions are answered, how many questions are visited, how many questions are unanswered and how many questions are marked for review. Same buttons which are used in the APPSC exam will be used to take up actions such as ‘mark for review’, ‘clear response’ and ‘save & next’. This will help the user to have better comfort level when writing the exam
Get Free Mock Test »Using our detailed analysis, aspirant can understand his strengths and weaknesses in each topic and sub topic. For example if the student is attempting our mock test for Group 2 Prelims, can understand his score in current affairs, polity and economy separately. Also the aspirant can know his or her score in each sub topic such as Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles, Executive, Judiciary, and Legislature etc. This will help the user to know his or her gaps and focus on fixing them.
Get Free Mock Test »Using our detailed results, aspirant can know the his/her results with answers and detailed explainetion of ech question. For example if the student is attempting our mock test for Group 2 Prelims or mains, can get detailed explaination of each question.
Get Free Mock Test »At Precision Academy, whether it's your first class or you are an online expert, we want your experience to be positive,successful experience. We, not only provide online lectures or training but also live broadcast special sessions such as Doubt clearing sessions, Revision sessions and Tests for all registered aspirants...
We understand the value of your time. So, to save the most precious time during the preparation process, we provide a Live Chat Option for all registered aspirants where they will be able to interact directly with our expert faculty members and get their doubts clarified at their doorstep...
If you miss any of your live session due to any reason. It is OK. You do not have to regret it. Every session that took place can be watched till one week from the day of it's occurrence. You can watch it as many times as you want for seven days. This facility is free of cost for all our registered aspirants.